Online practice – couple counseling – sexual counseling
About me…
Dear guest,
I can imagine you’d like to know a bit more about me. My name is Wolfgang Ittner. I launched this website because I’m fascinated by human behavior and I am happy to share my knowledge as well as the rich experience I’ve gained as a counselor for sexual and partnership difficulties.
I majored in zoology and further have a university degree in behavioral biology.
This planet and the life it hosts have always thrilled me, especially the fact that to this very day we still react in ways that have been developing over millions of years and even date back to times in which our embryonic forerunner patterns were similar to beings such as reptiles.
Since the late Eighties I’ve been operational as a self-employed practitioner for complementary and alternative healing methods specializing in psychosomatic and intimate partnership counseling.
By a twist of fate I met an American psychiatrist who would become my mentor in the above mentioned fields, to whom of which, I am tremendously indebted:
Prof. Dr. A. David Jonas.
From him I have learned the method of ‘idiolect counseling’, -a special form of processing any given type of information while at the same time listening with empathy. This technique is based on the knowledge that we are constantly communicating on numerous different levels all at once.
The ways in which we speak and use so-called “trigger words” reveals much of our inner development as well as provide valuable bits and pieces of information for the practitioner.
These communication tools support me in developing custom made concepts for the specific needs of each and every client.
Needless to say, my studies about evolution afford me a way to view partnership conflicts from more than just the standard psychological angle. The way we interacted with each other in ancient tribal times still impacts us deeply to this day and adds a significant new facet to partnership counseling today.
For me, the skyrocketing evolutionary psychology field is a constant source of inspirational insight, deepening and refining my understanding of the forces which rule our intimate relationships without our even being aware. This truly benefits my therapy.
I am happy to share these insights in order to support those who suffer from unwholesome patterns and who may be caught up in unhealthy relationships as well as those who wish to liberate themselves from concepts which belong to their past, yet remain nothing but a hindrance to genuine happiness in the future.
I will be happy to accompany you for that part of your journey in which you welcome personal coaching and support as a starting point for a new state of wellbeing.
Wolfgang Ittner, June 2010